- 500KW bioenergy plant, concrete industry, Finland
- 700KW industrial biomass boiler relocation, Finland
- Wood pellets plant drying process automation and modernization, Finland
- Rehabilitation of a 400KW used biomass boiler, Finland
- Starting a 400KW project, United Kingdom
- 3MW used steam power plant relocation, Finland
- Automation upgrades, United Kingdom
- 500KW summer boiler project, Finland
- 320KW process heat boiler plant, Finland
- 950KW Farm bioenergy project, Finland
- 4MW bioenergy plant to United Kingdom
- 720KW and 950KW bioenergy plant, Finland
- Large walking floor biomass fuel storage project, Finland
720KW District heating project
- Our plant produces heat energy for the private estate heat network
- Our scope: Design, installation, commissioning and handover
- Location: Scotland, Dunoon, United Kingdom
720KW District heating project
- Our plant produces heat energy for the manufacturing plant process heat
- Our scope: Design, installation, commissioning and handover
- Location: Loppi, Finland
Moving floor project
- We acted as technology supplier and supplied components
- Drying plant
- Location: Scotland, United Kingdom
800KW District heating project (Follow-up delivery for 500KW project)
- Our plant produces heat energy for the local town heat network
- Our scope: Design, installation, commissioning and handover
- Location: Turku, Finland
- 500KW District heating project
- Our plant produces heat energy for the local town heat network
- Our scope: Design, installation, commissioning and handover
- Location: Turku, Finland
999KW project
- District heating project for the local greenhouse heat production
- Walking floor fuel storage
- Our Scope: Design, supervision, commissioning and handover
- Location: Essex, United Kingdom
2X Fuel storage projects
- Two fuel storages for the existing biomass centres
- Location Reading, and Manchester, United Kingdom
2X999KW project
- Biomass boiler plant for district heating and drying project
- Walking floor fuel storage
- Our Scope: Design, supervision, commissioning and handover
- Location: Yorkshire, United Kingdom
- 500KW project
- District heating project
- Walking floor fuel storage
- Our Scope: Design, supervision, commissioning and handover
- Location: East Sussex, United Kingdom
Agent for the two boiler manufactures 2013-2015, to gain experience and learn market demands.
- Our role was business development partner
- We secured +30 different biomass projects
- We acted as business development partners for our partners
Winno Energy has long history in designing and supplying a wide range of biomass boiler plants in the Europe.
Juha Junttila
Juha is a Managing Director in Winno Energy and has a long history in bioenergy field.
Feel free to connect:
+358 44 985 9051 juha@winnosolutions.com